We are a family.
With more then 40 years of pool experience!
Since 1978 the Luck family has been devoted to swimming pools. Passed down from generation to generation, our family has been involved in repairing, rebuilding, and constructing the perfect pool.
Starting in California, Jim Luck repaired local pools for many years. He moved to Arizona with his family and found his home in the desert. Jim brought the love of water with him and carried it down to his two sons.
Jeff Luck and Michael Luck started their own business in repairing and rebuilding pools. They branched out for many years in new construction and old, wishing to keep their father's legacy afloat.
Jeff Luck taught the craft of sculpting the perfect pool to his son Ryan who took up the lantern and followed in his father's footsteps.
Michael Luck also revealed the love of pool-craft to his two boys Michael D. and Hunter Luck.
In loving memory of their family, Michael J.,
Michael D., and Hunter now run a family-owned company by the name of SmartPools. With the wish and hopes to bring water to the valley of the sun and into your lives.
We are the face of SmartPools
Michael J. Luck
Michael D. Luck
Hunter J. Luck